Glasgow - City of Sculpture
By Gary Nisbet
Powderhall Bronze
(fl. 1989-)

Firm of sculptors and bronze founders, based in Leith.

Powderhall was founded in 1989 by husband and wife team Brian and Kerry Caster, after graduating from ECA .

Originally intended as a studio for producing their own bronze sculptures, they relocated to larger premises in 1997, to cope with the many commissions they received from other sculptors to cast their work and to accommodate a gallery.

Employing several assistants, the firm provides a service for around forty Scottish sculptors including Kenny Hunter whose Four Youths was cast by Powderhall for Hamilton's Quarry Street (1999).

In 2000, they collaborated on the Millenium Sculpture of Former Industries in Kirkintilloch at Kirkintilloch.

Their most recent work for Glasgow, the casting in bronze of The Gatekeeper, from a model by Matt Baker of Heisenberg , was installed at the corner of Malta Terrace and Caledonia Road, Gorbals, as part of the Crown Street Regeneration Scheme (2002).


  • Information from the artists.
Works in our Database:
#356 1: Buchanan Street (City Centre),
In front of Royal Concert Hall
Statue of Donald Dewar (2002)
Sculptor: K Mackay;
Foundry: Powderhall Bronze
#182 2: John Street (Merchant City),
Italian Centre, 7 John Street
Thinking of Bella (1988-90)
Sculptor: S Kinloch;
Architects: Page & Park; Founders: Powderhall Bronze
3: Kelvingrove Park (West End),
In front of south entrance to Glasgow Art Gallery and Museum
Relief Map of the West End of Glasgow (1996)
Sculptor: K Chambers; Foundry: Powderhall Bronze;
Base designed by Page & Park architects
4: Macleod Street (Townhead),
Just west of St Nicholas Garden
Bronze Relief Map of Townhead (c.1990)
Designer: Page & Park; Foundry: Powderhall Bronze
#354 5: Malta Terrace and Caledonia Road (Gorbals),
Part of Crown Street Regeneration Project
The Gatekeeper (2002)
Artists: Heisenberg;
Architect: P Gough; Foundry: Powderhall Bronze
6: McNeil Street (Gorbals),
McNeil Street, McNeil Gardens and Turnlaw Street
Pine Cone Bollards (1998)
Sculptors: L Peden and C Keay; Foundry Powderhall Bronze
#279 7: Springfield Court (Merchant City),
Springfield Court, adjacent to the east entrance to Princes Square
As Proud As… (1998-2000)
Sculptor: S Kinloch;
Architects: Hugh Martin Partnership; Foundry: Powderhall Bronze;
8: Trongate (Merchant City),
Tron Theatre, 71 Trongate
Cherub / Skull (1997-9, sculpture; 1899, building, )
Sculptor: K Hunter; Foundry: Powderhall Bronze;
Architects: JJ Burnet (screen wall); RMJM Associates (1997 modifications)
#332 9: University of Strathclyde (Townhead),
On the west wall of the Chancellors Hall, Taylor Streeet
The Pursuit of … (1996)
Sculptor: S Kinloch;
Foundry: Powderhall Bronze
#344 10: West Princes Street (Woodlands),
Between Rupert Street and Dunearn Street
As the Crow Flies (1990; sculpture destroyed July, 2002)
Sculptor: S Kinloch;
Foundry: Powderhall Bronze
#352 11: Woodlands Road (West End),
At the junction of Woodlands Gate
Lobey Dosser (1992)
Sculptors: T Morrow and N Gillon;
Foundry: Powderhall Bronze;
Plaque: Co-operative Monumental Services
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