Glasgow - City of Sculpture
By Gary Nisbet

acronyms Words made up from the initial letters of other words.
acroterion Acroterion (pl. acroteria) - plinths for statues, etc, at the apex and ends of a pediment. Can also refer to the statues themselves.
Aeneid Vergil's epic poem on the glorious past of Rome.
antefix Antefix (plural antefixae) is, originally, an upright decoration used to hide the end of a run of roof tiles. Now also used as general ornamentation.
Arts and Crafts Movement Founded after the 1851 Great Exhibition to improve standards of decorative design and to revive handicrafts, in direct opposition to the trend towards mass-production.
Art Workers Guild Formed in 1884, a group of English artists, architects, designers and craftsmen. Their aim was reform through the theory of the interdependence of the arts.
Baroque From about 1855 Baroque was the accepted term for 17th century art and design. The style is characterized by exuberance and extravagence.
bartizan Battlemented parapet, or overhanging turret on a wall or tower.
bungalow In the West this describes a one-storied house. In the East this term is used to descibe a two-storied house or mansion. The word derives from Gujarati bangalo and Hindi bangla, meaning 'belonging to Bengal'.
capital The head of a column which is often highly carved, moulded and decorated.
caryatid A sculptured female figure used in place of a column or pillar.
Century Guild Organization to promote the Arts and Crafts Movement, set up in 1882 by WH Mackmurdo, HP Horne and S Image.
ceramics Generic term for all types of porcelain and pottery.
chancel Part of the church for the clergy and choir, near the altar, and usually enclosed.
Chimera In Greek mythology a chimera is a monster with a lion's head, a goat's body and a serpent's tail.
cire perdue Lost wax: a bronze-casting technique of filling the space between the core and the mould after the core's wax coating has been melted away.
choragic A reference to the chorus leader in ancient Greece, whose victory in the competitive choral dances was celebrated by erecting a small decorative structure.
corona A hanging light formed from one or more (metal) hoops to which lamps or candles are attached.
Dilettante Society Glasgow Dilettante Society (1825-1843), formed for the 'improvement of the Fine Arts'.
frieze Loosely applied to any decorated band, but strictly the architectural term for the middle division of an entablature, the horizontal structure lying above and across the columns.
genre Of a particular style.
gesso Plaster of Paris or gypsum prepared for use in painting or sculpture.
Gurkhas Members of the dominant Hindu race in Nepal, who make up several regiments in the British army.
Hakka A people from south-eastern China, especially around Canton.
laurel The leaves of the bay-tree used as a symbol of victory.
Maidan The Maidan is a large public park situated in the very heart of Calcutta.
medallion Circular or oval framed ornamentation, often containg a portrait in relief. The word literally means a large medal.
Moghul Mohgul, Mogul or Mughal Empire, founded in the early 16th century in India, The Mughal emperor accepted British protection in 1803.
New Sculpture Movement From about 1875 the style of British sculpture changed to one of more naturalistic modelling.
ogee An S-shaped moulding.
porcelain A hard, dense and, generally, white ceramic substance, impermeable and usually glazed.
relief A sculpted or moulded design which stands out from a flat surface.
repoussé Decoration on metal that has been hammered from the reverse side so that the design is pushed through in relief.
reredos In a church, the ornamental screen behind the altar.
stucco A slow-setting, durable plaster used for modelling.
terracotta Ornamental building material of unglazed, fired clay, brownish-red in colour; also used in statuary, pottery, etc.
triptych Painting or carving on three (hinged) panels.
Union Flag Union Jack, the national ensign of the United Kingdom, formed by the union of the crosses of St George, St Andrew and St Patrick.

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