Glasgow - City of Sculpture
By Gary Nisbet
Lobey Dosser


Sculptors: Tony Morrow and Nick Gillon
Foundry: Powderhall Bronze
Plaque: Co-operative Monumental Services
Location: Woodlands Road, West End, Glasgow
Date executed: 1992

Lobey Dosser, Glasgow Lobey Dosser, Glasgow Lobey Dosser, Glasgow
Lobey Dosser, Glasgow
Statue erected by public subscription
on May 1, 1992, to the memory of
1911 - 1970
Creator of Lobey Dosser, Sherrif of Calton Creek, his
trusty steed, El Fideldo, resident villain Rank Bajin,
and many other characters

Lobey Dosser, Glasgow Lobey Dosser, Glasgow Lobey Dosser, Glasgow Lobey Dosser, Glasgow
Statue vandalised by public hooligans on 3rd December, 2002.

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