Glasgow - City of Sculpture
By Gary Nisbet
Calum S G Sinclair
(b. 1966)

Born in Glasgow, he studied at GSA , 1983-87.

After graduating he became an assistant to Sjiord Buisman at the Glasgow Garden Festival, 1988, and received commissions for public sculpture at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Dunoon (1990) and Perth Royal Infirmary (1991).

He also works in collaboration with other artists on environmental and landscaping projects, e.g., Greg White, on a project for landscaping and sculpture at a Safeway store in Suffolk (1992).

A frequent collaborator is Michelle de Bruin, with whom he produced Illuminated Wall Sculpture, junction of Byres Road and University Avenue, Glasgow (1993), and the Cromwell Court Milestone, Glasgow, 1994.

He is also a co-founder and co-director of Glasgow Sculpture Studios, serving as its Vice-Chair since 1994,and has also participated in group exhibitions and workshops for children.

His work is represented in private collections throughout Britain.


  • Scott ;
  • Information from artist.
Works in our Database:
1: Byres Road (Hillhead),
On gable of building at junction with University Avenue
Illuminated Wall Sculpture (1993)
Sculptors: M de Bruin and CSG Sinclair; Architects: Fraser Harle (of Simister Monaghan)
2: Cromwell Court (Woodside),
At the rear of the tenements on Cromwell Court
Milestone (1994)
Sculptors: M de Bruin and CSG Sinclair
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