Glasgow - City of Sculpture
By Gary Nisbet
Michelle de Bruin
(b. 1967)

She trained in art and design at Lincoln College of Art, 1985-6, and sculpture at Glasgow School of Art, 1986-89.

She participated in student exhibitions at GSA , and has also exhibited work in the Christmas Show at the Compass Gallery.

Her public work in Glasgow includes her participation in the Sandstone Sculpture Project, College Lands, High Street (c. 1989), and a collaboration on Solus, an abstract light sculpture on the gable end of a tenement in Byres Road, together with Callum Sinclair (1993).

She collaborated with Calum again on Milestone, a landscape and stone sculpture in Cromwell Court, St George's Cross (1994).

Elsewhere, she restored A H Ritchie 's Fishermen's Monument at the Old Harbour in Dunbar (1998). An photograph of this interesting monument is featured on the website:


Works in our Database:
1: Byres Road (Hillhead),
On gable of building at junction with University Avenue
Illuminated Wall Sculpture (1993)
Sculptors: M de Bruin and CSG Sinclair; Architects: Fraser Harle (of Simister Monaghan)
2: Cromwell Court (Woodside),
At the rear of the tenements on Cromwell Court
Milestone (1994)
Sculptors: M de Bruin and CSG Sinclair
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