Glasgow - City of Sculpture
By Gary Nisbet
Anderson & Co
(fl. 1872-5)

Firm of monumental sculptors emerging from the business founded by William Anderson in 1866, at 1 Grafton Street, Glasgow, and the brief partnerships he formed with the Aberdeen based Peter Westland, as Westland & Anderson, 1867-8, and Robert MacKenzie, as Anderson & MacKenzie , 1869-71 (Westland continued to work with them as manager of their granite works in Aberdeen's Constitution Street).

Anderson was involved with several monuments for Glasgow's Necropolis, such as the monuments to Peter Dunn, the biscuit manufacturer (c. 1865); the marine engineer and shipbuilder John Elder, to a Gothic design by John Honeyman (1870); William Lang (1870); Alexander Malcolm (1870); and Angus McKenzie (1871).

After dissolving the partnership when MacKenzie left to set up a brewery in Aberdeen, Anderson practiced on his own under the name Anderson & Co., which appears in Glasgow's POD from 1872-5.


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