Glasgow - City of Sculpture
By Gary Nisbet
The Buildings of Scotland
Sculpture Books
Glasgow Books



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By Elizabeth Williamson, Malcolm Higgs, Anne Riches
In the series: The Buildings of Scotland

The most comprehensive survey of Glasgow's architecture yet published, it is arranged in the gazetteer form established by Pevsner's Buildings Of England series. Documenting the development of the city's architecture from pre-Roman times to 1990, it is a walk though Glasgow's history and up and down virtually every street in the city. In short, it is the Glasgow historian's Bible. Meticulously researched and astonishing in its wealth and variety of detail, Glasgow is a scholarly but highly accessible and enjoyable resource for the casual reader and the serious researcher. Illustrated with 123 b/w photographs of the city's most important buildings and monuments, it is essential reading for anyone interested in the city and the architects and craftsmen and women who enriched it.

Published by Penguin Books, London,
      in association with The National Trust For Scotland.
Hardcover - 720 pages, 123 b/w photographs.
Publication date: 1990
Published price: £35 ($65)

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