Glasgow - City of Sculpture
By Gary Nisbet
Sibylle von Halem
(b. 1963)

Born in West Germany, she has lived in Britain since 1975, and studied sculpture at GSA , 1981-5, and Birmingham Polytechnic, 1985-6.

Sculptor of the Springburn Milestone, Stepping Stones (1990), she has exhibited work at the Scottish Sculpture Open, Aberdeenshire, 1987, Sculpture from Scotland, Economist Plaza, London, 1988, and New Sculpture in Scotland, Edinburgh, 1988.

A co-founder of Glasgow Sculpture Studios, she was Artist in Residence at the Glasgow Garden Festival, 1988, and produced work for Irvine New Town in collaboration with Mike Osborne (1994).


Works in our Database:
1: Springburn Way (Springburn),
At the junction of Cowlairs Road
Springburn Milestone: "The Works" (1993)
Sculptor: S von Halem
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