Glasgow - City of Sculpture
By Gary Nisbet
William Riddel
(fl. 1690)

A local stone mason about whom few facts have survived other than that he was responsible for the Lion and Unicorn Staircase at Glasgow University's Old College, High Street (1690).

Originally leading to the College's Fore Hall, the staircase was relocated to the South West corner of Professors Square at the University's new buildings at Gilmorehill in 1872.


  • McKenzie (1999) ;
  • Ross, A and Hume, J (1975) A New and splendid Edifice The Architecture of the University of Glasgow, Glasgow.
Works in our Database:
#326 1: University of Glasgow (Gilmorehill),
Main Building: South end of West Range
Lion and Unicorn Staircase (1690)
Sculptor: W Riddel;
Architect: unknown; Reconstruction by JJ Burnet
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