Born in Kanjari, Gujarat, India, he studied at the University of
Baroda, and at RCA, 1981-83, becoming a Fellow and Artist in
Residence at Churchill College, Cambridge, 1984-85.
He later became Artist in Residence at the VA
, 1988.
He held his first solo exhibitions in Delhi, 1981, and at
Walker Art Gallery, 1986, and contributed work for the Garden
Festivals at Liverpool, 1984 (Sitting Bull), Stoke-on-Trent,
1986, and Glasgow, 1988 (Reclining Woman), and received
commissions for public works in Japan (1987), Wales (1990),
Birmingham (1992) and London (1992).
He represented Britain at the third Rodin Grand Prize, 1990,
and in the same year executed Diagram of an Object for the
Hunterian Art Gallery, as part of Glasgow's City of Culture
He was elected an RA
, 1991.