Glasgow - City of Sculpture
By Gary Nisbet
Paul Grime
(b. 1956)

Born in Stockport, Cheshire. A multi-media artist producing murals, mosaic and metalwork, with a particular interest in community arts education schemes. He is a co-founder of the Dundee Public Art Programme and is currently an Artist in Residence at Barrow.

In this capacity, he has executed architectural glass, metalwork, silk screens and landscape design projects for Barrow Borough Council (1998-2000).

He is now based near Kelso, and recently participated in the Castlemilk Gateways project, Glasgow (1999), working on a series of public artworks together with sculptors Kenny Hunter, Rick Kirby and Doug Cocker.


  • Public Art In Partnership With Urban Regeneration, vol 1;
  • Information from the artist.
Works in our Database:
1: Castlemilk Drive (Castlemilk),
Junction of Croftfoot Road
Gateways (1999-2000)
Sculptor: P Grime; Mason and Builder: McFarlane Masonry Ltd
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