Glasgow - City of Sculpture
By Gary Nisbet
Thomas Earp

An architectural carver, he occupied premises at 1 Kennington Road, Lambeth, London, from 1864, later forming the partnership Earp & Hobbs (afterwards Earp, Hobbs & Miller).

He specialised in ecclesiastical work and was closely involved with the leading Gothic architect George Edmund Street in the 1860s and 70s, for whom he executed the foliate capitals in St. James' Church, Milnrow, Lancashire (1868-9).

He also executed Gothic carver work on Thomas Worthington's City Police and Sessions Courts, Manchester (1867-73); a particularly fine Annunciation group on the exterior wall of St Marie's Cathedral, Sheffield (1879); and the Font in Rochester Cathedral (1893).

In Scotland, he executed the Reredos in St. James' Episcopal Church, Leith (1862-5); the Reredos in the Lady Chapel, St. Margaret's Convent of the Ursulines of Jesus, Whitehouse Loan, Grange, Edinburgh (1877); and in Glasgow, the carver work around the doors and windows of John Honeyman's St. Silas English Church, Park Road, which was left unfinished due to cost cutting (1864).

His best know work is the Eleanor Cross at Charing Cross, London (1863).


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