Glasgow - City of Sculpture
By Gary Nisbet
Helen Denerley
(b. 1956)

Born at Roslin, near Edinburgh, she studied in Aberdeen at Gray's School of Art, 1973-7.

Working mainly in metal, she uses farming tools, industrial machinery and scrap.

She has exhibited regularly since the late 1970s, and is a founder member of Aberdeen Community Arts Association, 1982, and was Director of Upper Donside Community Trust and Strathfest, 1989-94.

Her commissions include, Musical Play Sculpture, for Aberdeen City Council (1977), a Sundial in Steel and Granite, Sheltered Housing Complex, Inverurie (1991), and the Govan Milestone (1994).

Her recent work includes sculpture for the Princess Royal Trust Carers Centre, Aberdeen (1994), and Millie (1999), which was modelled on her own horse and exhibited at the West of England Art Fair, Bath, 1999.

In September 2001 she exhibited several animal sculptures in Glasgow's Merchant Square, including four Lurchers, a Great Dane and an Iguana.


  • Information from the artist;
  • The Scotsman, 12 May, 1996;
  • Information from Tracey McNee, Pivotal Art.

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Works in our Database:
#151 1: Govan Road (Govan),
Beside entrance to the Kvaerner-Govan Shipyard,
on the corner of Govan Road and Elder Street
Govan Milestone (1994)
Sculptor: H Denerley
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