Glasgow - City of Sculpture
By Gary Nisbet
George G. Parsonage
(b. 1944)

Glasgow born sculptor working exclusively with junk retrieved from the Clyde, such as supermarket trolleys, motor cycle parts, machinery and other discarded items.

He graduated from Glasgow University in 1967, becoming an art teacher at Whitehill School for twenty-one years.

Sculpture is his second vocation. His first is life saving; as head of the Glasgow Humane Society, the oldest life-saving society in the world (est. 1790), a post which he inherited from his father in 1979. Based at Glasgow Green, the society is responsible for rescuing people from the Clyde.

He has won prizes for rowing and entered the Guinness Book of Records in 1975 for rowing the length of Loch Ness in 2hrs 43 mins.

Of his sculpture, he never exhibits his work and declines commissions, but the proceeds from the sale of his work benefits the Macmillan charity.

His Crazyfixion has toured churches in Scotland and is a feature of Ecumenical services on Glasgow Green every Easter.

Other pieces can be seen in his garden and on his garage.


  • The Herald, 14 October, 1995;
  • Fisher .

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