Glasgow - City of Sculpture
By Gary Nisbet
Colonel Sir Robert William Edis

The architect of Glasgow's Conservative Club (1893-4, dem. c. 1973), he was based in London and was Colonel of the Artists Corps of Volunteers.

Amongst his distinguished builings in London are: 100 Picadilly (1883), the Constitutional Club (1884) and the (former) Grand Central Railway Hotel, Marylebone Station (1897-9). He was also involved in the alterations to Liverpool Street Station Hotel (c. 1901).

His Conservative Club in Glasgow was 'Queen Anne' in style and built in terracotta ; a magnificent presence in Central Glasgow with its Flemish gables and Baronial bartizans , but this was sacrificed in the 1970s, during the demolition derby that robbed the city of many of its splendid (and largely forgotten) buildings during that decade. Also lost was an impressive armorial group and standing figure above its main entrance. Its perspective drawing was exhibited at the RGIFA in 1894 (cat no, 1539), and published in that year's Academy Architecture (p. 44).

His public work in Scotland is rare, a good example being the Whyte-Melville Fountain, Market Street, St Andrews, which was produced by the London based carver Thomas Earp and features a bronze portrait relief by J E Boehm (1880).

Edis also published Decoration and Furniture of Town Houses, 1881. He was knighted in 1919.


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